Embrace Worldwide Gospel Campaigns exist to bring hope to the world by making Jesus known and making disciples for Christ. Living water for every heart. The Father’s arms are open for you. Hope, Freedom, Miracles. These are some of the burning messages on our hearts as we bring the good news to the lost in Africa. Through our Embrace Worldwide Follow-Up and Discipleship System, we train local pastors and believers so that the new believers can grow into mature disciples of Jesus Christ. In the great commission, Jesus called us to make His Name known among the nations and to make disciples. To preach the good news. To heal the sick. To cast out demons. To declare liberty to the captives. This is our vision. Our hearts burn for this. May the Kingdom of God expand and Jesus receive all the glory.


the hope that the world is waiting for
Join us in bringing the good news to many hearts and seeing long lasting fruit by making disciples for Christ.