Your support makes it possible to reach those in need and bring hope to the world. Our vision is to see the broken become whole, the wounded healed, and the lost saved. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making it possible!
Eliel & Naomi
American & International PartnerS
Tax deductible Giving to Embrace Worldwide
Thank you for partnering with the mission of Embrace Worldwide through your sowing.
Thank you for making this mission possible!
Eliel & Naomi Wyss
For dear swiss partners, please use the giving option to the swiss bank account shown in the next section in order to make a tax-deductible donation.
Donate by check:
Embrace Worldwide
12515 Woodside Avenue #511
Lakeside, CA 92040
Swiss Partners Steuerbefreit
Spenden auf unser Embrace Worldwide Konto
Konto Angaben:
CH22 8080 8001 9008 7543 7
Grassiweg 3, 3714 Frutigen
Bank Adresse:
Raiffeisenbank Steffisburg Genossenschaft
Höchhusweg 4, 3612 Steffisburg
Vielen Dank das du diese Mission möglich machst!
Eliel & Naomi Wyss
thank you