Hope to the world
We are so moved by the way Jesus touched many lives at our fall embrace gospel campaign. In those days over 200,000 thousand heard the gospel. Jesus did beautiful miracles and most important of all many received Jesus for the first time in their lives. Through our follow-up and discipleship system, we have been able to connect thousands of new believers to local churches where they now get to grow in their faith. Pastors shared with us that after the gospel campaign, they had many new believers in their churches. Pastors have even started second services due to the building being too small. God has been so faithful, and we are so moved once again by how the light of Jesus overcomes darkness. He brings hope to the hopeless. He brings peace to the restless. He brings salvation to the lost. What a good Father we have, He cares for each life.

Fracture in right leg healed
We met a woman named Rhodah Mukuka. She broke her right leg on the 26th of August. This was a bit over a month ago at the time she came to our gospel campaign. Since then she had a fractured right leg. She had two wooden crutches that she used to walk. Although she had crutches, she would still experience sharp pain every time she would move her leg. Even when she didn’t step on it, she would feel strong pain. It was clear she was not going anywhere without her clutches any time soon. After praying in the name of Jesus something astounding happened. Instead of waiting for her bones to naturally heal, God had other plans.
All of a sudden, Rhodah had no longer pain while standing with her crutches. She then gently put pressure on her leg, and still, she had no pain. Then she began stomping her feet. Then she began walking. Then she climbed the steep stairs to the stage. She was fully healed. We were all witnessing the miracle-working power of the Lord Jesus. Rhodah said that she no longer needed her crutches, and we threw them together from the stage to the ground. Everyone celebrated what Jesus did! As the team was still working on the ground in the middle of the night, they saw Rhoda’s crutches and the crutches of others who were healed that were left behind. What a joy when individuals come with sicknesses and pain, but they leave healed praising Jesus!
We met a woman named Faith. She had a breast abscess in her right breast for the past 2 years. It was so large that she could always feel it. It was a painful collection of pus in the breast that was caused by an infection.
After praying in the name of Jesus, the abscess disappeared completely and instantaneously, a supernatural healing. She said, “It was there, but now it is gone.” Faith began to weep on the stage. She was overwhelmed by the miracle Jesus did. Isn’t it so beautiful that when Jesus heals individuals, He also touches their hearts.
Salvation & free from years long pain
We met a woman named Mervis. She came to our embrace gospel campaign. When she heard the message of the gospel, she decided to make Jesus her Savior and Lord for the first time. What a joy when a daughter comes into the loving arms of God. Mervis received our new believers booklet which helps her take the next steps in the faith, and it enabled us to connect her to a local church.
When Mervis came to the field, she had a wound on the veins of her left leg. She went to the hospital, but the medical treatment did not help. For the past 7 years, she had strong pain in her left leg due to this issue. Even that day she came to the gospel campaign, she had her leg in a bandage. She experienced constant pain and discomfort. Mervis said that as she came to the gospel campaign she limped the entire way.
After praying in the name of Jesus, God touched Mervis so powerfully. Mervis felt all the pain leave her body. When she put her foot on the ground, she still had no pain. She got so excited. Even as she walked and climbed up the stairs, she was free of all pain. Mervis was so excited to share what God has done that she was the first to come testify that it is the first time in 7 years that she is pain-free and able to walk normally. When we asked her who healed her, she said “Jesus.”
We met a precious boy named Edward. He lost most of his hearing due to an ear infection multiple years ago. When he was born he had perfect hearing. He learned how to speak like all the boys his age, but then he suffered from an ear infection. Since the ear infection was not treated properly, he first began to lose a little hearing. Then, he began to lose more hearing. Eventually, he lost so much hearing that he could no longer hear normal conversations around him, except when someone spoke closely and directly into his ear.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Jesus fully healed him. Despite the wind and the background noise, he could even hear a quiet whisper from multiple meters behind him. He was able to repeat the words perfectly without looking. His hearing was 100% restored. His mother was there to testify with him of what Jesus had done.
Edward’s life was forever changed and not only his. Edward’s mother decided to make Jesus the Lord and Savior of her life. She called on the name of Jesus to save her, and she received the gift of salvation. They received our new believers booklet that encourages them to take the next steps in the faith and that also enables us to connect them with a local church. Isn’t it so beautiful that Jesus touched this precious boy so powerfully. When we asked Edward who healed him, he said “Jesus.”
We met a man named Festus. He was born with partial deafness in his left ear. Since birth, his left ear suffered from a hearing impairment. He had to rely on his right ear to hear properly.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Festus’ left ear was fully healed! We tested his left ear by covering his right ear and whispering so quietly that even those with perfect hearing would find it challenging. From multiple meters away we whispered ‘Jesus saves.’ Despite the whisper being so soft that even those with perfect hearing would find it nearly inaudible, Festus recited the phrase perfectly. It was a mighty miracle!
We met a man named Victor Champemba. In 2011, he had an accident where he hit his right foot against a wooden door. For the last 13 years, he experienced pain in his right foot. He said that he struggled to walk and that getting around was hard to do.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Victor’s right foot was healed of all the pain. For the first time in 13 years, he could stand and walk without any pain. He lifted his hands up in the air with a smile on his face testifying of his healing. What a gracious God we have! A God that sees every person and loves each one so deeply.
healed of sharp abdominal pain
We met a woman named Mwange Chisenga who came to our gospel campaign. She suffered from a sharp pain on the lower side of her abdomen that extended to the entire left side of her body. After receiving prayer in the name of Jesus, all her pain completely disappeared. Mwange tested her body in that she made movements to the side and bending down that before would have caused her even more pain. But now, she could move freely without any pain. Mwange came to testify and thank Jesus for the incredible miracle.
We met a woman named Regina. In 2010, she had a severe case of measles. She was thankful that she survived it, but unfortunately, she has since lost all hearing in her right ear. For the past 14 years, she has been suffering from deafness in her right ear.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Jesus did something oh so wonderful. Regina’s ear popped open. Hallelujah! She could now hear just as perfectly with her right ear as her left ear. She was fully healed by Jesus. She had a witness with her. This woman confirmed that what she was saying was true. She was previously fully deaf out of her right ear, and now she was fully healed by Jesus.
We met a woman named Lainess. She came to the embrace gospel campaign hoping for a miracle, but she ended up receiving the greatest miracle of all. Salvation. After hearing the gospel message, she decided in her heart to make Jesus the Lord and Savior of her life. Lainess received our new believers booklet that talks about the next steps in the faith and helps us connect the first-time believers to a local church.
Lainess shared that she was a farmer and due to doing the manual labor without mechanical equipment for such a long time at one point, she began experiencing full-body pain. In that area, many have to use their manual labor as a replacement for work that would require machines. This manual labor was their way for them and their families to survive the harsh economic conditions and put food on the table. This manual labor takes a toll on their bodies. Such as using manual cultivators to dig in the soil, axes to cut down trees, or their bare hands to gather and pack produce. Over time it is very common for farmers to experience full body pain and other health issues due to undergoing such harsh conditions.
For Lainess, it has now been ten years where she has been experiencing full-body pain. It was very difficult for her to handle the high-level pain that was constantly throughout her entire body. No matter what she did the pain persisted. Every minute of the last ten years was filled with pain. Her only hope was Jesus.
After praying in the name of Jesus, all the pain left her body in an instant. Jesus fully healed her. Lainess was so thankful for what Jesus did in her life. On the stage, she showed us how she now can walk upright without any pain or issues, and we all celebrated the goodness of God over her life.
We met a teenager named Loyce. At 12 years of age, she suddenly had strong stomach pain. They took her to the hospital, and there she found out that she had a growth in her stomach that blocked the course of digestion. She was told that she cannot eat any solid foods. The only foods she could eat were soft foods such as porridge. The next three years were very painful. While sitting or walking or lying down she was in constant pain. Also, she always had to bend forward as a way to manage the pain. For the last three years, she could never once stretch or stand upright.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Loyce noticed that she had no pain. Then she noticed that she can stand completely upright. At that moment, she knew she was fully healed by Jesus. It was the first time in three years that she was able to stand completely upright. She was able to stretch up to the sky, reach for the floor, walk, and dance without any pain. She was healed by Jesus. Praise the Lord!
lost son comes to jesus AND set free FROM MENTAL BONDAGE
We met a man named Collins who is 35 years old. With his mother, he came from the Soweto Township to the embrace gospel campaign. He shared that he had a mental illness, and he had been suffering from this burden since the 3rd grade. It was difficult to describe, but he said it felt like a big stone was in his head. After praying in the name of Jesus, Collins said he felt everything change. He felt Jesus remove the big stone from his head. He then said, not only that but “I received Christ as my Lord and personal Savior. The Spirit of God is in me” As he said this, his mother had tears rolling down her cheeks. It was the most beautiful moment. We felt so touched by his story and by the way Jesus touched him. Collins smiled with joy for what Jesus did in his brain and heart, and the crowd erupted with joy celebrating what God did in his life.
We met a woman named Getrude Ngulube. She shared that since childhood she had severe Asthma. She could not walk without breathing heavily. She could not jump without breathing heavily. When it was cold, she would breathe heavily. Even during the gospel campaign, she was finding it very hard to breathe because it was cold and there was lots of dust.
After praying for healing in the name of Jesus, Getrude tested her body. She found that she was fully healed. She breathed in the dusty air, and still her breathing was perfect. She jumped around for numerous minutes, and still her breathing was perfect. She did this all while being in the cold, and still her breathing was perfect. She thanked God for bringing such supernatural healing to her body. Getrude was amazed that something this amazing happened to her.
Not only did Getrude receive healing but she received the greatest gift, the gift of salvation. Our mortal bodies, we can not bring to eternity but to be a child of God is what truly matters. After Getrude heard the gospel message, she decided to repent of living in her old ways and instead to follow Jesus as her Savior and Lord. What a glorious day for Getrude. How much God loves her.
Getrude received our new believers booklet that talks about the next steps in the faith and that enabled us to connect her with a local church for follow-up. The greatest adventure is now awaiting her. The adventure of following Jesus with all her heart.
There was a woman named Gladys Muleya. She experienced extreme body weakness, and she went to the hospital hoping for them to find out what was wrong. She was in intensive care for 1 month and 2 weeks as the doctors and nurses did many tests and monitored her. Even after all that time, the doctors could not find out what was wrong with her, so she was discharged a week before we had the gospel campaign. Gladys was still at home waiting for her recovery with many questions as the symptoms were not resolved. Due to extreme body weakness, she could not stand without help, and she could not walk without help. Her mother would help her get around the house when needed. When they heard about the gospel campaign and that there would be miracles, the mother helped her daughter Gladys to come to the field. It took determination as Gladys could not walk by herself. She needed her mother to help her. Desperate for a miracle they came to the field.
That night Gladys and her mother heard the gospel message. They heard what Jesus did for us, and what it means to repent and follow Jesus. That day they came hoping for a miracle, but they first experienced the greatest miracle. It is when someone is saved from darkness and pulled into the light through the gift of salvation. This is what they both experienced that day as they surrendered their lives to Jesus. Gladys and her mother received our new believers booklet, which helps us connect them to a local church after the gospel campaign.
That same night, when praying for healing and freedom in the name of Jesus, the power of God touched Gladys. The power of God went through her body and immediately she was fully healed. She felt the weakness leave her body, and she was able to stand up without any help. Her mother saw this incredible healing, and they came to the front to testify. On stage, Gladys, her mother, and all of us gave glory to God for what Jesus has done. Gladys danced and jumped. For the past month, she was not even able to walk by herself but now she was dancing, glorifying God, healed, and saved by Jesus.
We met a man named Dickson. Two months ago, he experienced pain in his right ear. After that, he lost full hearing in his right ear. He went to many doctors, but they could not find out why this occurred. Dickson was in need of a miracle.
That night, after praying in the name of Jesus, Dickson was fully healed by Jesus. He shared on the stage how he has been 100% healed. We tested his hearing by covering his left ear and by whispering from many meters away. He recited it perfectly. It was a mighty miracle! The people watching celebrated with him what Jesus has done! Nothing is impossible for God!
We met a man named Musonda Ngosa. For the past 10 years, he was experiencing severe pain in both of his legs. He said that the pain was a type of painful numbness feeling that went all the way from his abdomen down to his legs. He said it would cause extreme pain in both legs, and his walking was slow due to this. He said that the pain was so severe that he could not run, and it was impossible for him to jump due to the pain.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Musonda felt a tingling sensation from his abdomen all the way down to his legs. After a few moments, the tingling stopped. After that, Musonda was fully healed. He came to the stage. He jumped on the stage numerous times doing that which was previously impossible to do. He was fully healed by Jesus.
After hearing the gospel message, hearing what Jesus did for us, and what it means to follow Him, Musonda gave his life to Jesus that night. He made Jesus the Lord and Savior of his life. Not only did he experience Jesus as Healer, but he also experienced Him as Savior. The Savior of the World.
We met a woman named Paxima. She had partial deafness in both ears for the past two years. She said that she had puss come out of her ears, and after that, she lost most of the hearing from both ears. She thought it would come back, but the hearing impairment stayed. She shared how it was hard for her to go through her daily life with the hearing impairment.
But after praying in the name of Jesus, Paxima received a full healing from Jesus. Her ears opened up, and she was able to hear perfectly. We tested her hearing from up close and from afar. She was fully healed by Jesus.
As Paxima heard the gospel, she also then made the most important decision of her life. She received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Paxima was full of joy as she experienced the Lord’s supernatural work in her life. We were able to connect her to a local church where she can grow in the faith. We are so thankful for all that God has done and is doing in Paxima’s life.
We met a man named Musonda Ngosa. For the past 10 years, he was experiencing severe pain in both of his legs. He said that the pain was a type of painful numbness feeling that went all the way from his abdomen down to his legs. He said it would cause extreme pain in both legs, and his walking was slow due to this. He said that the pain was so severe that he could not run, and it was impossible for him to jump due to the pain.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Musonda felt a tingling sensation from his abdomen all the way down to his legs. After a few moments, the tingling stopped. After that, Musonda was fully healed. He came to the stage. He jumped on the stage numerous times doing that which was previously impossible to do. He was fully healed by Jesus.
After hearing the gospel message, hearing what Jesus did for us, and what it means to follow Him, Musonda gave his life to Jesus that night. He made Jesus the Lord and Savior of his life. Not only did he experience Jesus as Healer, but he also experienced Him as Savior. The Savior of the World.
We met a woman named Melody who was from the Luwamabwe area. During her pregnancy, she started to develop intense back pain. At seven months pregnant, she went to the hospital, where doctors recommended strong pain medication and advised her to avoid manual labor until the pain subsided. At the time of the gospel campaign, it has now been 1 year since she had constant back pain.
On the third night of the gospel campaign after praying in the name of Jesus, she received her full healing. Melody came back the next day to testify of what Jesus had done. She said, “I was waiting to see if I was really healed before I could testify.” After testing her body and doing labor, she was still pain-free, and she came back on the 4th night to testify of what God had done for her. What a gracious God we have.
19 years long ankle problem healed
We met a woman named Janet. In 2005 she slipped and dislocated her ankle. They took her to the hospital. There she received a walking stick. For the past 19 years, she used a walking stick every day. She went from hospital to hospital seeking medical attention, but the doctors could not fix her ankle. The pain in her ankle made life very difficult for her.
She said that she didn’t have to walk far to get to the embrace gospel campaign. She pointed with her finger showing us where she lives. She lived just next door to the field where we were holding the gospel campaign. We could even see her home from the platform.
During the second night of the gospel campaign, Jesus did something only He could do. Jesus healed Janet from this 19-year-long issue. She was fully healed by Jesus. That night, she walked home without the stick. The next day she walked everywhere she needed with no pain. On the third night, she knew that she needed to thank Jesus for healing her ankle. What the doctors could not fix, Jesus fixed perfectly. Janet danced on the stage testifying of the supernatural healing. She said: “I am so happy.” When we asked her who her healer is, she said “Jesus Christ.”
We met a young woman named Dorothy. At the gospel campaign, she received Jesus as Lord and Savior for the first time. She was so happy to now be a child of God. The gospel truly is the power of God unto salvation.
Dorothy was suffering from an eye condition for the past two years. This resulted in blurry vision and much pain in her right eye. The eye problem made it impossible for her to read out of her right eye. She would have such pain in her eye whenever she tried to read that she wouldn’t be able to read the words. She said that even tears would come down her cheeks whenever she would try, but it was just blurry.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Dorothy was fully healed. On the stage, she read from her new believer’s booklet. And she read the following words perfectly and pain-free “Just like the story of the prodigal son, you have come into the loving arms of the Father.” Dorothy went home that night with a true double blessing. With the gift of salvation and the gift of healing.
We met a woman named Lucy. Four years ago she started to feel pain in her knees. Then, the pain worsened so much that her everyday life was impacted greatly. She walked with a strong limp and the pain was much. She was scheduled for surgery in January 2025. Although she had a scheduled surgery, it was not for certain that the surgery would solve all her knee problems. Until then, she just had to endure through the pain.
We asked Lucy to show us how she used to walk. She showed us by bending forward in an almost 90-degree angle and by limping back and forth with large steps to get to the destination as fast as possible to limit the duration of the pain.
After praying in the name of Jesus, she said that she felt an electric sensation go through her entire body, and all the pain in both knees were immediately healed. As she tested her body she began to dance by skipping back and forth. The strong movements were previously impossible to do, but now they were possible with Jesus. Now Regina can walk upright, without any limp, and pain-free. Lucy was amazed. She no longer needs the surgery. What a mighty God we have.
We met a woman named Joy Mutondo. For a very long time, she was experiencing stomach aches. The pain would be so strong at times that she could not even walk. In that area, many children and youth experience debilitating stomach pains due to the contaminated water. For many this causes their immune system to become very weak, and consistent stomach pains are all too common. Even that day, as she came to the gospel campaign, her stomach was hurting intensely so much that she could not even bend. After praying in the name of Jesus, she moved and moved, and she had no pain. After bending up and down with a smile, she said, “I am so more than thankful” to Jesus! Praise the Lord!
We met a man named Richard from Kambali Village. He had a dream in the night where his feet were struck. When he woke up, he noticed that what he dreamt materialized. Prior to the dream, he had no pain in his legs, but after the dream, he now had pain in both legs. Now 14 years later, he still had pain in both legs. He went to various hospitals, but there was no explanation for the pain he was experiencing. Throughout time the pain even increased, and at the time he was coming to the embrace gospel campaign, he even had a bleeding wound on one of his feet.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Richard felt the power of God surge through his body and the pain in his legs immediately left. He knew without a doubt that he was healed. As he tested his body, he found his legs healed and pain-free. For the first time in 14 years, he could walk without any pain. On the stage, he was able to walk and dance perfectly. Hallelujah!
We met a woman named Phenia who was 54 years of age. She came to the embrace gospel campaign with two health conditions. The first was a heart condition that started in 2013. With this condition, she often felt heavy and uncomfortable in her chest and experienced palpitations. She sought medical assistance for this but has seen very little or no improvement. So for the past 11 years, she had to live with this condition, and she found it challenging. The second condition was chronic back pain that began a year ago. Because of the pain, Phenia found it hard to bend down, and it affected her daily life.
After praying in the name of Jesus, Phenia experienced a full healing. She said, “I felt a warm sensation in my chest, and right there all the heaviness and discomfort left me.” She knew immediately that God had healed her. In one night, God brought an end to the 11 years of suffering and pain. Also, when she then tested her back, she found her back was also fully healed. She was able to bend, dance, stretch, and do all the movements that she previously could not do before. Praise the Lord! Her whole body was healed.
We met a woman named Ireen from the Hillside area. For the past 4 years, she had extreme pain in her legs when she would walk. When she went to the hospital to find out what the underlying condition was, they attributed it to her high blood pressure. After a few minutes of walking, she would experience sharp pains in her legs that would cause her to have to sit.
She wanted to attend the second night of the gospel campaign, but after a few minutes of walking, she had to turn back because the pain became so unbearable. On the third night of the gospel campaign, she forced herself to press through the pain as she walked the far distance, and she came back to hear the gospel message and for the time of praying for healing.
After praying for the sick in the name of Jesus, Ireen experienced something wonderful. She felt the power of God go through her body, and all the sharp pains in her legs disappeared. She received a full healing from Jesus. She danced on the stage. She jumped up and down. She was overjoyed by how Jesus healed her body.