During the four weeks in Africa, we were mainly in Mansa. We reached different marketplaces, villages, hospitals, and individuals on the street. We shared the gospel, and we prayed for many that were sick. It touched us how God revealed Himself to individuals with his mercy, love, and power. The greatest miracle is when a heart finds salvation in Jesus. When someone turns away from the old ways of life and surrenders everything to Jesus. We thank Jesus for all the many people that found Salvation in Him. We had the opportunity to work with many pastors who then will disciple the new Christians with books, plugging them into their local churches, and getting them connected to grow in their faith. Isn’t it amazing how the body of Christ works together to build His Kingdom. It touches us how God works in so many different ways. We all get to give our yes to Him, and He moves through each and every one of our lives. He is a good Father, and He knows how to reach lives with the greatest Love Story in history. (April, May 2023)


Border Kenya & Tanzania, 2023


Ghana, 2022