Bringing hope to those in need
Embrace Worldwide was created to help those in need and those who are experiencing homelessess. In San Diego, there are over 10,000 individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Our goal is to meet these individuals in their time of need, offer a listening ear, and take a supportive and helping role. This should strengthen individuals internally so that they can experience encouragement and hope. Thus, they can dare to take the next steps. In our work, the inner well-being of the individuals is of the utmost priority, but we also support them with practical help. Our goal is to help those who are at the lowest point of their lives feel seen and treated with appreciation and respect. This is to promote in them hope and willpower, and thus the willingness to embark on a path of change. Our vision is made possible in that we meet individuals living on the streets and have meaningful conversations eye to eye. We spend time with them, and we encourage them on their journey of change. We connect them to resources that can further encourage growth in their lives. This is done through outreach and relational conversations with the individuals. We continue to move forward with the goal of supporting individuals living on the streets with emotional, psychological, and practical help to promote well being and positive change.
Spending time
As Embrace Worldwide, we believe that spending time with people is of great value. By spending time with people living on the streets or facing difficult situations, many are able to gain worth and help. We give our attention and time to people who are often at the lowest points of their lives. Heike Führ describes the value of time so beautifully in a quote:
"When someone gives us their time, it is the most valuable thing they can give us, because it will never come back like that."
Building relationship
Building relationships is elemental. Listening to individual stories, getting to know their hearts, and encouraging them along the way are important parts of our daily lives. By building relationships, we build trust and as a result, people increasingly begin to ask us questions. This often gives us the opportunity to speak into their lives and encourage them to take further steps. However, it usually takes some time to build trust because these people have been hurt and abused so many times in their lives. It's a risk, but it's worth it. Just as this is true in our personal lives, it is also true for those who live on the streets.
The work of Embrace Worldwide consists of many and very moving conversations with people who are affected by homelessness. Building trust is of great importance. There are people who open up from the beginning, but more often people need a longer conversation or several encounters to open up. Often the past of the people is the beginning where it goes deeper in the conversation. The confrontation of their past is often a painful process. The past is very often marked by abuse, traumatic experiences, or difficult circumstances. Most people we meet see themselves as victims of injustice in their past, which is very justified. This injustice and unprocessed experiences then led to negative decisions that had consequences and still have. Thus, we meet many people who got involved in violence, came into drug use, made other decisions that led to the loss of children's rights and many more. All these consequences are processed very differently by the people living on the street. For some, this is expressed in anger, for others in shame. We treat people with respect and look at them not through the lens of their past, but through the lens of valuing who they are. In conversations, listening and understanding is an important part. When a conversation is characterized by trust we can also take a consultative and supportive role. We focus on what choices they can make today that will set them on a path of hope and change.
Giving a hand Projects
Embrace Worldwide's work also supports outreach to those in need through projects such as giving out socks, tents, blankets and more.
Building bridges
When we spend time “building bridges” we bridge the gap between an individual and possible resources. Far too many do not even know about possible resources or do not have the hope or strength to even go there. As we take on the role of bridge building and empowering individuals, we have seen many individuals take the step to get on a housing list, and others we helped to get into programs by helping them apply. We focus first of all on giving hope to individuals and encouraging them to take steps and connect them to resources.
Impacting lives
About two years ago, we would regularly see a woman named Ruby. In the beginning she was more closed off, but over time she opened up more. Different conversations over time and gifting her with a tent and blankets helped with the relationship-building process. She would share with us that she wants to get off the streets, but she is so frustrated that she still was not able to. We would encourage her to get on the housing list and to not give up hope. She had experienced much hurt and anger towards those that have done her wrong. As she opened up more about her life, the trust became stronger. Overtime, we took on the role of bridge building in that we encouraged her on her next steps, and we encouraged her to restore with her family members. It was Ruby’s desire to get off the cold pavement and so was it ours for her.
We haven’t seen Ruby for a long time. It must have been almost a year ago when we saw her the last time. This month as we were going through the area, we all of a sudden saw a familiar face. It was Ruby. She said friendly hi. Ruby looked especially put together, and we told her how great she looks. We said that we haven’t seen each other for so long, and how happy we are to see her. She then said that she still has no phone but is getting there with all the other stuff. She looked at us very excited and said that she is now off the streets. She shared that every once in a while she comes here with the bus to say hi to her friends that she has known for a long time. Ruby said that she is so thankful because she is now able to live with relatives. We were so happy. She smiled and said, “Thank you so much for being around here and encouraging people. It really makes a difference.”
Orphan feeding program
Orphan Children receive weekly meals at our “A Seat at the Table” Orphan Program.