We love sharing God's Word with people on the streets who have given their lives to Jesus. Our walk with Jesus truly is one of constant surrender and transformation. As we seek God, and devote ourselves to His Word, we get filled up with His truth. For individuals living on the streets, believing the truths of God is essential to overcoming their struggles. When one is bound by their old ways of thinking it is hard to move forward. This is why we need a fresh revelation about His Word every day. We need to be filled with God’s truth daily to strengthen our faith and remain grounded in Him. For truly, what we believe affects how we think and what we do. It is amazing to see how God can work in people's lives. Oftentimes when we spend times of discipleship, individuals open up about their deepest pains and hopes. In times of prayer and encouraging them to take practical steps, we see God touch hearts with His kind and patient love.
Recently, we met with Bruce to talk about the Bible. We read the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5. We shared about how we are to constantly know our need for God and surrender to His ways. We talked about what this looks like practically in our day to day and how we can take steps empowered by the Holy Spirit. As we read the passage, Bruce began to tear up. He said, "I needed this!" It is so beautiful how God encourages hearts to not give up and to grow in their faith. (November, 2024)