A story from our Gospel Campaign
Mapalo and his family have been going through a hard time. They faced challenges of different kinds. One of them was that his father fell into depression. The father slowly began to lose his health as his high blood pressure increased and his sugar diabetes worsened. Soon after, the father passed away due to high blood pressure. It was a heartbreaking time for the family. Mapalo himself had health challenges, and he would often lose his temper. Overall, the family experienced much hardship, and they were struggling to find hope. One day, Mapalo and his mother were going through the neighborhood of Nangogwe. There Mapalo saw a large billboard in town announcing an upcoming Embrace Worldwide Gospel Campaign in the first week of May. He immediately asked his mother to go there. His mother was reluctant, but he was able to convince her to take him.
Receiving Jesus
Mapalo attended all four nights of the Gospel Campaign. He heard the gospel messages, and he was touched by God. Mapalo decided to receive Jesus as his Lord and personal Savior. What a glorious day. He received the greatest gift, which is the gift of Salvation. That night, he received our “Welcome into the Family of God” booklet, and we were able to connect him to a local church.
Changed from the inside out
After the gospel campaign, the mother made a discovery. Since the gospel campaign, Mapalo has been completely different. The mother went on to say that now when she walks into his room, Mapalo is often praying or reading his Bible. His overall behavior and demeanor has changed. Now he is calm and no longer loses his temper as he often did before giving his heart to Christ. Mapalo’s heart posture has changed. He has become a new creation in Christ Jesus. He is now a son who has a relationship with God and is growing in the faith. The mother shared that they feel hope again to believe for God to help them as they are navigating this journey.
Connected to a local Church
Through our Embrace Worldwide Follow-Up and Discipleship System, we were able to connect Mapalo and his family to a local church. Since then they have been attending that church growing in their faith. Church members also visited them in their home helping them to grow in their relationship with God. And just a few weeks later they also became church members.
A fresh hope
Isn’t it beautiful that Mapalo received the gift of salvation and his heart posture completely changed. So much so that even his family is testifying of the transformation that God did and is doing in his life. Although as a family they have been experiencing hardships, God found a way to reach their hearts with a fresh hope. A hope that only God can give. It is a hope that is not connected to circumstances but is only found in Jesus our living hope. These stories touch our hearts. There is nothing more powerful than someone receiving the gift of salvation and being transformed by God. It is opposite to the world. When the world is lost in darkness, God is calling His lost sons and daughters home. He gives a gift that the world can not give. A gift that does not only change the course of this life on earth, but it changes the course for eternity.