We met a man named Chino. He was walking back and forth, and he seemed to be very distressed. We asked him if everything is ok, and he responded by repeatedly saying the phrase I am fine. We then told him that we understand that you are saying you are fine, but we feel like you are not doing well. He then turned his face away from us and began crying tears into the palm of his hands. He then repeatedly apologized for crying in front of us. Then after a little bit, he again repeatedly said the phrase I am fine. We asked him if we can pray together, and he said yes you can.

We could tell that he was in such a vulnerable emotional place. There was a lot that was going on. We then thought at first we could ask if he has any physical pain in his body. Chino pulled his vest and shirt down a little, and he pointed to a bump on his neck close to his back. We could see that it was a hard bump (a diameter of a little more than an inch). It was swollen, and it looked like it was infected. Chino said that he thinks he was bit by something, and whenever he moves his neck it hurts badly. We then prayed for Jesus to heal it.

While praying, we saw how the bump shrunk right before our eyes. Right at that moment, Chino said oh the pain went away! At this moment Chino buried his face into his hands again and began weeping loudly. This time he was crying not due to his emotional pain, but due to the healing that he just experienced. We then shared how God is a good Father, that the Father sees him when he is alone, when he is crying, and when he is hurting on the inside. We shared the gospel, and how Jesus is the only One who gives true peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding. Chino then decided to turn away from his old ways and follow Jesus with his whole heart. He was ready to change his life and follow the Savior. That very day we were able to get Chino into a program, and he is now off the streets. Praise Jesus!

While he was in the car he suddenly started weeping, we asked him what is it. He said that this morning he cried out to God for the first time in a long time. We asked him what did you ask Him. Chino said I asked him to help me and I cried out with all my heart. Now today, I experienced a healing, I became a child of God, and I am now on my way to a program. God heard my cry.

It was incredibly touching. A man who could barely make eye contact, who was ashamed and alone. A man who cried out to God in desperation but with no hope in sight. A man who felt rejected by the world received the greatest of all - Salvation and true acceptance from our heavenly Father.


