Rommy and Violet are a married couple residing in the Kalundu View area. They live just about 2 kilometers away from the town center, where many thousands gathered for our gospel campaign. When Violet heard that there will be a gospel campaign in her neighborhood, she was curious and encouraged her husband Rommy to come with her and attend.
During the four days of the gospel campaign, they listened to our preachings about the gospel of Jesus Christ and what it means to follow Jesus. One night, Violet and her husband opened their hearts to the gospel and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for the first time. Violet shared “Before I felt like I was asleep, and now I am awake.” They received our New Believers booklet called “Welcome into the Family of God.” After the gospel campaign, through our follow up Violet and Rommy were connected to a local Church where they have been going to services on Sundays and during the week. Now two months after our gospel campaign, the pastor said “Since then this couple have become committed and regular attendees at our church.”
Rommy came to the gospel campaign hoping for healing of Epilepsy since he heard that there will be miracles. Rommy had horrible epileptic attacks from 2 to 3 attacks a week. These epileptic episodes were so bad that he could not work anymore. It has been a big burden for them. During the prayer time at our gospel campaign, he took the message to heart that by the stripes of Jesus Christ, we are healed. Without yet knowing, Rommy received a miracle from Jesus. They both went home after the four days of the gospel campaign realizing after days and weeks going by, that he had no more epileptic attacks. It is now two months since he has been healed from epilepsy. Violet his wife testified giving glory to God that from the time of the gospel campaign, her husband who often suffered epileptic attacks had not experienced any since. This has made her so grateful to the Lord for healing and blessing her family. She said how thankful they are for receiving salvation in Jesus and for the healing Jesus did in Rommy’s life.
This precious couple came out of curiosity to our gospel campaign, and they left completely changed. They heard the gospel of hope and salvation that has helped them to begin a new life with Jesus. They are now growing in their faith attending a church and being surrounded by other believers. We are deeply touched by stories like Rommy and Violet. Isn’t it amazing that although many individuals gather on a field, the Holy Spirit ministers to each one uniquely. God knows how to reach hearts, and how beautiful it is when they respond in surrender to Him. This story of Rommy and Violet is a beautiful example of the impact of the gospel. It brought them from darkness to light. It brought them hope and healing. This healing miracle is now allowing Rommy to work again and provide for his family which is fighting poverty. They are now following Jesus and receiving help to grow in their faith in a local church that we connected them to. And this is just the beginning of the new story that God is writing for their lives. Where once was hopelessness, now there is hope. Where once was heaviness, now there is lightness. The lightness that only comes from being right before God through the gift of salvation. What a joy it is to see lives transformed by the goodness of God.