Orphan discipleship program

Empowering orphans to discover their identity as beloved sons and daughters of God, through engaging messages rooted in Scripture. Our discipleship program equips them to live victoriously with a foundation of love and faith in Jesus Christ.

The name of the orphan program is “A Seat at the Table.” It is a picture that no matter what happens on this earth, the rejection and abandonment these precious children experienced, they have a seat at the table of God prepared just for them. Isn’t it so beautiful that the place God has for each one of His children in His heart can not be replaced by another. God’s love is deeper than we can imagine and so uniquely deep for each of His children if lost or found.

Orphan discipleship program

One of the most valuable times is when precious orphans get to learn about their heavenly Father and their identity in Christ. Our weekly Embrace Worldwide Discipleship Curriculum empowers each child to discover their identity as sons and daughters of God through engaging messages rooted in Scripture. It equips them to live victoriously with a foundation of love and faith in Jesus Christ.

discoverING their identity as beloved sons and daughters.

discoverING their GOD GIVEN PURPOSE.