
Jesus restores movement and takes pain away

There was a woman who had pain on the left side of her stomach and torso. She said that she could not bend down on the left side due to the pain. 

After praying in the name of Jesus, the woman was fully healed. She demonstrated her healing by bending to the left side. She said I can now do this. After that, she said now I can finally bend in all directions. She celebrated by throwing her hands in the air and saying Praise you Jesus Praise you Jesus.

Feet fully healed

The man wearing the black t-shirt shared that he had pain in both feet for the past 5 years. He said that he was walking by the side of the road, but then he had an accident. Some days he couldn’t walk because the pain was so strong, and some days he could only walk short distances very slowly.

After praying for healing in Jesus’ name, Jesus fully healed the man’s left and right foot. He was so happy, and he jumped around in excitement. The friend also was just as happy about what happened. 

After this miracle, he and his friend were eager to give their lives to Jesus. They said that Jesus truly is Lord. As they dedicated their lives to Jesus, we were so touched by the revelation they received that God sees them and that God is so close to them.  

Seeing their precious smiles moved us. The experience they had with God in this time was so special, and Jesus gifted them both with the greatest gift of all, the gift of salvation. 

Afterward, they walked around with us for some time still thanking God!. It was so touching to see God move in their hearts in such a way, and it was truly a moment we will never forget.

Many received jesus for the first time & connected to local churches

In the different marketplaces and villages, we saw Jesus touch many individuals with His love and the gospel. There have been over two thousand five hundred individuals who gave their lives to Jesus for the first time. There were also prodigals that have come back to Jesus. Through filling out personal information cards, they will be contacted by local churches for follow-up. One of our favorite parts when sharing the gospel is to look at these beautiful faces. When tears are rolling down their cheeks, or when they smile, or when they are just listening to every word about Jesus. It touches our hearts deeply. Each individual has a special place in God’s heart. They are so valuable and precious to God! The most important choice they can ever make is to follow Jesus for the rest of their lives. It is truly an honor to reach these places with the gospel and to connect the new believers with churches in that region for the pastors to do the follow-up. There are many stories from the last few weeks, but most of all we want to give glory to God! He is the One who draws the hearts. He is the One who has given His Son for all of us. He has made a way to have true life. We thank God for each life that was touched by His powerful love!

eyes healed & side pain gone

We met a woman named Masuzyo. She was one of the individuals who received healing in this place. She came to testify about what Jesus did in her life. She had very blurred vision so that she couldn’t see objects clearly. She had this problem for many years now, but that day as we prayed for Jesus to touch lives and heal their sicknesses. Masuzyo made an incredible discovery. Her eyes were fully healed. Now, she can see perfectly. Everything is clear when she looks around. Masuzyo also testified of another healing. She had severe pain in the side that hurt even more when she bent a little or turned to the side. She shared that during prayer all the pain left, and she showed that now she can move to the side and bend down without any pain! What a wonderful God we have! We praise His wonderful name!

rashes over whole body healed during prayer via radio

We shared the gospel at a radio station. After we shared the gospel and invited those listening to give Jesus a response to the price He paid for us and to get plugged into a local church. After that precious time, we then prayed for the listeners that were sick. After the prayer, a person named Abrazak called in. He shared that he was laying on the bed listening to us pray for the sick in the name of Jesus. He said that he was laying in bed for multiple days because he had terrible rashes over the majority of his body. He said the rashes caused terrible pain, and he couldn’t do anything except stay in bed. What he shared next was so incredible. After the prayer, we asked the listeners to test their bodies. Abrazak said that he got out of bed because he felt different. Then he discovered that Jesus healed his entire body. He then took off all his clothes and saw that all the rashes across his body were completely gone. Only Jesus can do the impossible! Only Jesus can reach individuals in their homes with His power! What a wonderful God we have! He doesn’t have any limits. He is so much bigger than we can imagine! Other picture used.

jesus heals hand of precious boy

There was a boy who had pain in his right hand. He was standing all the way in the back. When we prayed for healing in the name of Jesus, he afterward tested his right hand. He then came forward to testify. He seemed very shy, but we could tell that it was important for him to share what Jesus did in his life. As he came forward, he said in a quiet whisper the words Jesus healed me. He then demonstrated his healing by moving his right hand. He didn’t smile because he was so nervous. But I bet God smiled because this boy wanted to thank the Lord for what He did in his life.

jesus restores back

There was a woman who was sitting in the shade staring at the ground. When we saw her, we greeted her, and she was so surprised that we wanted to chat with her. After a few minutes, she shared how she can barely sleep at night because of her terrible back pain. She said the pain is constant, and it makes it very difficult for her to rest. Once she falls asleep, a few hours later she wakes up sometimes in tears. She shared how her back pain makes the days and nights very long and painful.  

We prayed healing over her in the name of Jesus, and God healed her from all back pain. She tested her back for multiple minutes doing things she could not do before and rejoicing in what Jesus did for her.

supernatural soberness & finger healed

After we ministered in a certain marketplace, many gave their lives to Jesus for the very first time. After we finished receiving the follow-up information from the new believers, we were trying to leave the packed area. Right then Sonkwe came to us. He had slurred speech, and even my translator could not understand him without repetition. He kept pointing at himself so we knew he wanted us to pray for him. After we prayed for him, we asked him how he was feeling. After the first prayer, he was able to speak completely clearly, and all the drunken symptoms were gone. Our translator was so shocked at what already happened. We then shared some specific words we had on our hearts with Sonkwe. God then encountered him as he was weeping and weeping. Sonkwe then asked us to pray for his finger. We saw that his middle finger was wrapped in a thick white cloth. He shared with us that due to his finger injury, he cannot move it. He also shared that the pain goes all the way down from his finger to his forearm. After the second prayer, Jesus fully healed Sonkwe’s finger. All the pain left from his finger and forearm. He then jumped at us throwing his hands around us while squeezing us. He was filled with such thankfulness for what Jesus did. He then started going to random people in the crowd sharing what Jesus did. He kept lifting his hand in the air saying everyone Jesus healed my finger. What a glorious God we have! Isn't it beautiful that Jesus even took his drunkenness from him. This made it possible for us to talk to him about Jesus. He was so touched by God that he wept. This is our God. He shows His love not because we deserve it but because He simply loves.

jesus heals dozens of precious individuals

We were in a marketplace, and we shared the gospel. Many gave their lives to Jesus for the very first time. Following that, we prayed for the sick, and then after the prayer we asked those that were fully healed to come forward. Dozens and dozens of individuals came. At this point we had numerous translators line the individuals up in lines according to what Jesus healed them from. 

A few minutes later there were numerous lines. There was a line of those whose backs were healed. There was a line of those whose knees were healed. There was a line of those whose stomachs were healed. There was a line of those whose heart pains were healed. There was a line of those whose headaches or migraines were healed. There was a line of those who had full body pain but were fully healed, and there were multiple more lines. Jesus is the healer. Hallelujah.

jesus heals terrible stomach pain

There was a woman who had strong stomach pain all day long for the past 2 weeks. After we prayed for healing in the name of Jesus, the woman came to testify of how Jesus fully healed her stomach. She shared how this was the first time in 2 weeks where her stomach was completely pain free.

bewitched man healed and saved

We went to a place to share the gospel and pray for the sick. Many individuals gathered around us to hear the good news of Jesus. After our time there came to a close, a man named Chiumbo came to us very troubled. 

He shared that a witch put a charm on his left knee, and since then he had many issues walking. We asked him what issues he had. He said that he had very strong pain in his right foot, right leg, and left knee. We asked him for how long he had this strong pain. Chiumbo said that the curse the witch put on him left him in constant pain in those three areas for 25 years. We didn’t know if he heard the gospel before or if he just came at the end. So we shared with him about Jesus. We shared with him that, when we surrender our whole life to Jesus, all the curses have to be broken because from that day on we belong to Jesus. 

We then were able to pray with Chiumbo for healing, and Jesus did something so wonderful. When he tested his legs, knees, and feet, the pain was completely gone. He smiled so big, and he was so happy. He started running back and forth with a joy on his face that touched our hearts so deeply. Chiumbo shared how he could have never done this before. He then jumped up and down saying he could not do this for so many years. But that day everything changed for him. 

He experienced Jesus in a personal way. He encountered Jesus, the One who gave His life for us. The One that took every curse upon Himself so that those who believe in Him could be free. Chiumbo truly was set free from the curse of darkness and its effect, and he experienced freedom in Jesus. 

Isn’t it amazing that the light of Jesus overcomes darkness. As followers of Jesus, we are children of God, children of the Light. Not because of our own doing, but because we have been found by the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. What a wonderful God we have!

arm healed and six people saved in hospital

As we were going back from one of the places we were serving at, we noticed a hospital besides the road. We thought to ourselves that we should go inside. In one of the hospital rooms, we met a woman named Mukuma. 

She shared with us that she had an accident, and due to that injury, she could not lift her arm due to the pain. We asked her if she believes in Jesus and if she is a Christian. She said no she does not believe in Jesus. We shared the gospel with her, and we then prayed for Jesus to heal her. 

Mukuma experienced God’s supernatural power, and her arm was supernaturally healed. She was so shocked by what happened, and she was filled with such joy. We then shifted our attention to the entire room. There were other women lying on the old hospital beds who watched what just happened. We shared what Jesus did with Mukuma’s arm and asked her to give testimony to God’s glory. We then shared the most amazing message, the gospel. We shared what Jesus did for us through His life, death, and resurrection. We then asked for those who want to give their whole lives to Jesus to raise their hands. 

Six precious women, including Mukuma decided in that hospital room to surrender their hearts and lives to Jesus. They decided to follow Jesus with all of their strength and to live for His glory. Five of these dear women gave their hearts to Jesus for the very first time. One of the women rededicated her life to Jesus. She believed in Jesus, but she had been living in compromise. But that day she decided to give her whole heart to Jesus and not hold anything back from Jesus. We then spent time with each one praying together and talking about the next steps in their faith. We were able to connect all these precious women to the church of our translator. As we said bye, Mukuma looked us in the eyes. She said I will never forget what Jesus has done for me.

blurred vision healed

In one of the marketplaces where we went to share the gospel and pray for those in need, Jesus did some wonderful things. It was a busier street, but many individuals stopped in their activities to listen very closely. Many stayed for the whole time and others stopped for a little bit when walking by. When sharing the gospel and what it means to follow Jesus, many made Jesus the Lord of their lives. It was so wonderful how Jesus revealed Himself. He loves to reveal himself to the hungry and the thirsty, for He truly is the living water. He is the water that will quench our thirst and give us eternal life. After we had gathered the contact information of the new believers, we prayed for the sick to be healed in Jesus’ name. 


One of the women that came to testify was Maya. She shared that she could only see with blurred vision. Everything that she saw was blurry, and it was hard to recognize things even up close. But that day Jesus did something incredible. She came to testify that Jesus completely healed her eyes. She shared that as she was standing there listening during the time of prayer, all of a sudden she could see. She could not believe what happened, but oh how grateful she was. She said that now she can see everything perfectly and clearly. Her life was changed by our glorious Jesus!

muslim woman becomes christian

We met a woman named Mirriam. She was Muslim, and it has been a very challenging season in her life. She shared with us how her husband just recently passed away due to sickness. She said how it has been really difficult for her and her child to live life without him. She just recently started a sowing business in order to help keep food on the table. 

We shared with her the greatest love story of all, the gospel. As she was listening to the gospel, she seemed glued to every word she heard. We could tell that she was searching for truth, and what she was hearing resonated in a way that was so touching. As Mirriam heard the gospel she made an amazing discovery. She realized that what she wants more than anything else in life is to follow Jesus as her Lord. No matter the consequences she was ready. 

Mirriam shared with us how she wants to follow Jesus, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to follow Him. She renounced all other teaching and other gods, and prayed a heart-moving prayer dedicating her life to the Savior of the world. She repented of her sins and of her worship to a false god. After we prayed, we asked her how she felt. She looked us in the eyes, and she didn’t have to say anything after that because her eyes said it all. We spent some time talking together, and she shared with us some more of what she experienced. Summarized she felt that she was now given a new life. 

We connected Mirriam to the church of our translator, and she said that she will go to the service on Sunday. We talked about the next steps in the faith and the importance of walking this life with Jesus. We then spent time blessing her child. The boy looked at us so peacefully as we prayed, blessed, and prophesied over him. The mother thanked us, and as we walked away we couldn’t help but just wonder how precious this dear woman and child is to the Lord. How even in perhaps Mirriams most painful and challenging season of life, Jesus came to give her true life.

jesus restores woman’s legs

As we and our translator were walking to the next marketplace, we saw some women working. We went to them and asked how they are doing. They started sharing their stories and about their lives. It was so wonderful getting to know them. When they asked us why we are here, we shared that we came because Jesus loves them so very much, and He wants them to know Him personally. Some of them had heard about Jesus and some did not know the gospel. It was a precious time.

One of the women was named Thandiwe. She shared that she has been suffering from severe leg pain. Due to these issues, she was only able to walk slowly. She shared that she could not bend her knees, bend to the floor, jump, or run. Multiple of the woman around her nodded their heads as she shared about her strong leg pain. Thandiwe had been suffering from this pain and these issues for multiple years, but she did not know the cause of it. We asked if she would be open to praying together. She said yes, and we prayed for Jesus to heal her. 

Immediately after the prayer, Thandiwe said that the pain is completely gone. She then started jumping up and down, and she bent all the way down so that she could crouch to the ground. She smiled so big and said she is free from pain and fully healed. The women around her clapped and celebrated what Jesus has done. What a gracious God we have. 

These women were about their daily tasks, but right there is where Jesus often wants to reveal Himself to us. He wants to walk with us in our daily tasks. He wants to share more of His heart with us right there and right then. May we all keep a hungry and open heart to hear what Jesus has to say right where we are. No matter what we face, He is with us. He is there. There is nothing too high or too low. Nothing too exciting or too boring for Him. He is there. He is with us. 

healing leg pain

There was a woman who shared that her heart would beat very fast, and she had pain in her legs as well. After praying for healing in the name of Jesus, she said that her heartbeat became normal and all the pain in her legs was gone. She came to us full of excitement, sharing what Jesus has done. 

jesus heals back of precious woman

There was a woman who had back pain whenever she bent down or twisted her upper body. She said that, when she stood still she didn’t have any pain, but as soon as she moved a little she felt painful stings. She said that if she fully twisted or fully bent down she would feel the sting right away. The woman said that once the sting came she would just stand really still until the pain decreases. Sometimes it would decrease after a few moments and sometimes after a few minutes. She said that sometimes she had to shout loudly because the pain stings so much. 

We prayed for healing in Jesus’ name. After that she tested her back, and she was pain free. She was fully healed by Jesus. Multiple of the people around knew her and saw how she just received her healing. Many started lining up to receive prayer, and many more were healed by the power of Jesus. 

severe head pain gone

There was a man who had severe head pain for 4 months. He said that he wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle the pain. After praying for healing in the name of Jesus, he received a supernatural healing. For the first time in 4 months, his severe head pain was completely gone. The man also decided to dedicate his life to Jesus. He said that if Jesus can heal my head he can save me too.

jesus heals the back of a boy

There was a teenager who shared that he was working this morning a bit away from, but then he had an accident. He said that he carried something heavy, and then he injured his back. He was on his way home early because the pain was so strong. 

After praying for healing in the name of Jesus, the teenager’s back was fully healed. He demonstrated his healing in front of the people gathered, and he kept repeating Jesus healed me Jesus healed me. 

stomach pain healed

There was a woman who had stomach pain for 2 months. She shared that she could not bend down due to the pain. She had to have someone help her to get things that required bending down because it was too painful for her. 

After praying for healing in Jesus’ name, her stomach was completely healed. She came forward to testify of what Jesus did although she was nervous. She never spoke to a group before, but she said that she had to share what Jesus did. 

Consistant headpain healed

There was a woman named Mavis Mara. She shared that she had head pain which was consistently there, but sometimes she could do nothing but just lie down. It was very difficult for her to live a normal life due to the head pain. Daily activities were a challenge, and living life was really hard. 

Jesus fully healed Mavis Mara’s head pain. She came forward to testify that now Jesus healed her, and it was the first time in 8 years she was free from pain. 

jesus heals waist pain

There was a young man, who had waist pain. He had this for multiple weeks. He had to take off multiple weeks from work because of the waist pain. After praying in the name of Jesus, the young man’s back was fully healed. He came and testified for what Jesus did.

Neck Problem healed

There was a woman named Estree. She shared that she had a neck problem. Not only did she experience much pain on her neck, but she also could not move her neck to the left or right. She said that the only way that she could look in different directions was by moving her upper body. 

After praying in the name of Jesus, Estree was fully healed. She came on the stage, and she said all my neck pain is gone. She also showed the crowd how now she can move her neck in every direction perfectly.

Deliverance & Healing

There was a young woman who was manifesting during prayer. She didn’t know what was happening, but she experienced uncontrollable movements as if something in her was resisting the prayer. After multiple minutes, she felt something leave her, and she felt an incredible peace. 

She then gave her life to Jesus and decided to make Him Lord and Savior of her life, and we asked the Holy Spirit to fill her. 

After that she also made an amazing realization. She had stomach pain for 3 years, and now her stomach pain was completely healed.

leg pain from fracture healed

There was a woman named Mary, the woman wearing the red dress. She shared that she had an accident last July. The accident left her with a fractured right leg. She said that it did not heal properly, and since then she has had pain in her right leg. After praying for healing in the name of Jesus her right leg was fully healed. 

Three others also came forward to testify of how Jesus healed one or both of their legs from pain. God is so good.

legs restored

There was a woman named Agnes. She had pain in her legs. She said that she would always have to walk very carefully, and she said that it was impossible for her to jump due to her leg pain. After praying for Jesus to heal her, Agnes was fully healed. She was able to jump up and down perfectly with no pain. She thanked the Lord for healing her legs. As she jumped up and down she kept saying Hallelujah!

Stomach pain healing

There was a woman who had stomach pain. She said that she could feel the pain every time she moved. After praying in the name of Jesus, all the stomach pain was gone. She demonstrated her healing by moving and saying finally my stomach pain is gone thank you Jesus.

Chest pain gone

There was a woman who had chest pain. She said that she has had this for quite some time, but in the recent months it has gotten much worst. After praying, Jesus fully healed her, and she was free from all chest pain.

Jesus healed teenagers

There were two teenagers that came forward to testify of their healing. The one wearing a pink sweater and purple dress had chest pain for the past month. The teenager wearing a black sweater and the red dress had a constant headache for an entire year. I asked her if she had one day where she didn’t have a headache. She said that every minute and day for the past year she had a headache. 

After praying for Jesus to heal, both teenagers were fully healed. They thanked God. They heard of Jesus healing others, but they were amazed how Jesus healed them.

Girl’s leg healed

There was a young girl wearing a purple sweater and pink dress. She shared how she was playing yesterday, but then she fell accidently. Since then her left leg was in pain. After praying for healing, Jesus fully healed her left leg.

Throat healing

There was a man named Keshasna. He shared that he came to the meeting with a sore throat. He shared that he had pain every time that he would swallow his saliva. After praying for healing in the name of Jesus, he was fully healed. Keshasna thanked the Lord for healing him, and he was so filled with joy from what he experienced Jesus do in his life. 

Stomach pain gone

We were walking through the marketplace, and we met a precious woman. She shared with us that she has a strong stomach ache. After praying for healing in Jesus’ name, the woman was fully healed. She took a deep breath as she said in English wow I am healed. Afterwards, her friends came to listen to the woman eager to hear what happened. We saw the woman smiling, touching her stomach, and then lifting her hands in the air while testifying what Jesus did.

Heart beat 

There were two woman who shared that they had heart issues. They said that their hearts would beat very fast and knew that it was not normal. They shared how concerned they were. After praying in the name of Jesus, they came forward to testify. They said that before our hearts were beating very fast and now they are beating normally. They praised Jesus for healing them.

chest pain healed

There was a woman named Elizabeth. She shared that she had chest pain for a long period of time. She said that somedays it would be worse and somedays it would be less, but she said that she could always feel the pain in her chest. She said that today it was one of the worse days. She said that she still wanted to come to the meeting today and that she never stopped believing that Jesus would heal her chest pain although she waited a long time. 

But today after praying for healing in the name of Jesus, Elizabeth’s chest pain was fully healed. She said that she is so thankful to Jesus for hearing her prayer and for healing her today. She was so encouraged, and you could tell that for her it was more than a chest healing or an answer to prayer. It was a daughter who felt the loving embrace of her Father in heaven.

years long back pain healed 

The woman with the dark red dress shared how she had back pain for many years. After praying for healing in the name of Jesus, her back pain was fully healed. She and three others came to testify of the full back healing they received from Jesus after the prayer.

headache healings

The woman in the pink dress shared how she had severe headaches for more than 2 years. After praying for Jesus to heal, her severe headache was completely gone. She was so excited that she was fully healed. She and two others came to testify of the headache healing that Jesus did.

3 years long stomach pain healed

The woman in the green shared that she had stomach pain for the last 3 weeks. She shared that it was so very painful that sometimes she would almost faint. After praying for healing in Jesus name, the woman was fully healed by the supernatural power of Jesus. She and three others received a full stomach healing after the prayer

legs shaking gone

There was a woman who shared that she has very high blood pressure. She said that the hardest part has been that her legs were always shaking. The only time that her legs were not shaking was when she was sleeping. This was not only something scary for her, but it also made walking very difficult. 

After praying for healing in Jesus’ name, the woman came forward to testify. She shared that she was fully healed by the healing power of Jesus. She showed us how her legs were not shaking anymore for the first time since a while. She shared that she has never felt as good as now, and she is so amazed that Jesus healed her. 

head pain healed

There was a woman who had head pain for two years. After praying for healing in the name of Jesus, Jesus fully healed her.

Malaria healed

We met a woman that was suffering from Malaria. She was walking with her hands pressed to her belly. She said how horrible she is feeling. We prayed for her in Jesus' name. In an instant, she said that the stomach pain is gone and that she is feeling better. The next day we saw her again. She was smiling, and she said that all the symptoms left a little after the prayer.