ghana, africa

Deaf ears opened

We drove a couple of hours to reach remote villages with the gospel. In one of the villages, a smaller group of individuals gathered. After sharing a preaching of the gospel, I prayed on the microphone for the sick. I prayed that Jesus would heal and restore every single person. Jesus healed many of those present. Among this group of people, there was one boy who was deaf. During the prayer, his ears opened supernaturally, and he was able to hear for the very first time in his life. When his ears opened, he was full of excitement, and he showed that he could hear. The people around him testified of what happened. This boy was touched by Jesus. Our glorious King Jesus, He is the Healer. He is a miracle-working God. This boy’s life is changed forever due to the mercy and grace of our amazing God. 
Not only was the boy’s life changed forever since he could hear for the very first time in his life, but the boy also heard about Jesus for the very first time. It was so amazing. The gospel is the power of God to salvation for those who believe. We praise our good Father!

many received jesus as their savior

Whether old or young, rich or wealthy, God is no respecter of persons. He came so that all can receive life in Him. He longs for all to be saved and for all to hear the good news of the gospel. All of heaven rejoices over each heart that turns to God and follows Him. 

hip & leg healing

This woman had hip problems that caused pain while walking. She also had many issues with her legs. As we prayed for Jesus to come with healing over all those listening, Jesus fully  healed her. She was jumping up and down full of joy. She kept shouting out “Jesus healed me, Jesus healed me.” What a good God we have. The same way this woman was jumping up and down full of joy we also want to be expressive in our thanks to God. 

jesus touches many teenagers

The teenagers in this location were very rowdy at first, but then something incredible happened. A few minutes into the preaching the Presence of God came tangibly into the room. It seemed like every individual was listening so intently, and God really caught their attention. Many were healed and received deliverance, and best of all many received salvation.

partial blindess healed

This woman had a terrible accident happen. A splinter flew into her eye, and since then she couldn’t see anymore out of that eye. She could only see very blurred. So much so that she said that she could not recognize anything out of that eye. During the prayer in the middle of that marketplace, Jesus touched her, and He healed her from all blindness. As we were testing out her sight, we were just in awe of what Jesus has done. She was fully healed. Hallelujah! 

healed from a stroke

I was preaching in a marketplace. There were maybe a hundred people present going about their daily grocery shopping and more individuals in the nearby homes that could hear due to our loud speakers. I shared with these precious individuals that Jesus paid for our salvation and our healing. After sharing this, I started to pray in the name of Jesus over the whole group of people listening. 
I asked for those who received healing to come forward. After some minutes of hearing testimonies, a woman named Abena walked up. She shared that she was suffering from a stroke. She had it multiple years ago, and since then half of her body was lame. Due to the stroke, she could not walk. She said that she usually just laid in bed due to the many effects of the stroke. Abena was laying on her bed in her home while listening to the prayer. Then something amazing happened. After the prayer when she tested her body, she was able to move her whole body again. She stood up, and she was able to walk. She wanted to share what Jesus did in her life so she came from her room to the marketplace to share with us. 
We celebrated with her, and we asked her if she has any pain left in her body. She said that she is so happy because before she was just in bed because of the stroke and now she can walk. She then shared that she has pain in her feet, but she is so happy that she can now walk again. I then prayed for the pain in her feet to be healed and for Jesus to finish what he started. As she tested her feet, she was overjoyed that not only was she healed from the stroke but now she was completely pain-free. Her feet were fully healed from all pain. Abena experienced God’s supernatural power. Praise God!

Jesus heals legs

This woman could only stand or walk for a maximum of 2 minutes due to the pain and issues in her legs. After the prayer, she tested her legs. No matter how long she stood or walked, she was pain-free and completely healed. She jumped around, and she had a large smile on her face as we gave God all the glory!

Full bOdy pain healed

We met this woman as we were sharing the gospel and praying for the sick in a village outside of town. She was struggling with full-body pain for multiple years. She shared here that as I was praying on the microphone for Jesus to heal everyone listening, she felt all the pain leave her. She said how incredible this is, and how thankful she is to experience such a big miracle. There is only one healer, and His name is Jesus!

the power of the gospel

As I was sharing the gospel, I felt the love of God for all of these precious individuals. God moved with his Presence among many who never heard the gospel before, and He revealed Himself so that in this place hundreds received Jesus as their Savior and decided to follow Him. Afterward, this one girl came to me, and as she looked into my eyes, I literally saw the light of God shining through her. I started crying immediately because I was so very touched by the power of Salvation. It is the biggest and most powerful moment we can ever experience. There is no one like Jesus. There is no one else who can bring us from darkness into the light!