There was a woman named Vaildah. She came to our last gospel campaign in the spring interested to see what will be shared. After hearing the gospel and what it means to follow Jesus, Vaildah gave her heart to Him. She made Jesus the Lord and Savior of her life and decided that she wants to follow Him from now on. It is the greatest joy when a lost child comes to our heavenly Father. Heaven celebrates over each sinner who turns to Christ. A life saved from darkness and brought into the light. Isn’t it amazing how the Holy Spirit draws hearts and how He convicts those hearing the gospel to see their own need for God. What a glorious day when hearts respond by surrendering their lives to Jesus. It was a glorious day for many individuals like Validah who came into the loving arms of God.
Through our embrace follow-up and discipleship system, Vaildah was connected to a local church. Now she is attending the church and growing in her faith. Vaildah shared with Pastor Mushambatwa that ever since that day when she gave her life to Christ at the embrace gospel campaign, she has experienced a peace of mind she didn’t know was possible before. Isn’t it so beautiful how lives are transformed by God. Vaildah now is a daughter of God and a follower of Jesus. She received a peace from God that only comes from being right before Him because of the gift of Jesus. God truly longs for individuals to come into His loving arms and to be transformed by Him. A transformation that is not just for a moment, but a transformation that changes a life for all of eternity.
Vaildah’s story is a beautiful reminder of God’s amazing love. The Holy Spirit drew her to Jesus, and when she believed, her life was changed forever. She found a peace she never knew existed before. It’s amazing to think about the joy in heaven when someone like Vaildah comes to know Jesus. It shows us how much God loves us and wants us to be with Him. Vaildah’s story is a testimony that there is always hope and God wants to reach every heart. God is waiting with open arms.