Our Vision
Our Goal
Your partnership
a word from us
Our Vision
Embrace Worldwide exists to minister to the broken and the whole, the wounded and the healed, the lost and the saved. It is our deep conviction that God has called us to make His love and name known through building his Kingdom.
Like in the story of the prodigal son, we long for individuals to come into the loving arms of the Father.
Vision San Diego
Street ministry
Our Vision is to continue to reach individuals on the streets experiencing homelessness and need. To see the hurting and the broken through the eyes of God and meeting them right where they are. Through spending time, building relationships, and conversations, we want to see individuals the way God sees them, share the gospel, and see them walk on a path of transformation. Through discipleship sessions and connecting individuals to resources, we are dedicated to see long-lasting fruit for God’s kingdom.
Vision Africa
Gospel campaigns
Our vision is to do gospel campaigns with the purpose of making Jesus known and making disciples for Christ. Living water for every heart. The Father’s arms are open. Hope, Freedom, Miracles. These are the burning messages on our heart to spread in Africa. Through our Embrace Worldwide follow-up system, we work with local pastors and believers so that the new believers can grow into mature disciples of Jesus Christ.
In the great commission, Jesus has called us to make His name known among the nations and to make disciples. To heal the sick. To cast out demons. This is our vision. Our hearts burn for this. May the Kingdom of God expand and Jesus receive all the glory.
Our Goal
Goal Street ministry & Start orphan program
Our goal is to raise $4.500 $4.100 more in monthly support to do the work here on the streets of San Diego among those experiencing homelessness through spending time, building relationships, conversations and “Giving a hand” projects. It will also enable us to start a program in Zambia to feed orphans who are street kids and share the love of our Father.
Outreach to individuals experiencing homelessness
Offer “Giving a hand” projects such as distributing socks, gloves, blankets which are always connected with building relationships
Maintain our nonprofit organization
Share the gospel
Provide discipleship sessions with new believers
Connect new believers to local resources, such as housing programs
Supports mission locally and internationally
Start of a weekly orphan feeding program this spring
Goal gospel campaign
By Mid April
1st Stage: raise $48’000 $31’000 $29,000 17,000 for equipment and funding for our spring Gospel Campaign in Zambia.
Sound System so that every individual attending can hear the gospel
Thousands of follow-up booklets for every new believer
Crusade Organizer salary
Equipping of the churches to hold the harvest through discipleship
Operation costs
Field preparations
Our goal is to see this vision fulfilled together. Every donation counts and makes a difference to see this vision accomplished.
Your Partnership
Our dedication to reaching those in need and making Jesus known is a call to every believer. We want to build God’s kingdom in a way that has long-lasting fruit. Fruit that remains. This is a cry that starts in our hearts where we are willing to give our “yes” every single day. The “yes” to God and the yes to what He is doing on the earth.
We are asking you to stand with us as this vision is expanding and as we are giving our all to see Jesus receive His reward. The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. We ask you to be a part of the sowing and together, we will see many come into the kingdom of God.
We want to invite you to prayerfully go before the Lord and ask how your involvement looks like as we are reaching more individuals in need and share the gospel of Jesus Christ in the nations this year.
A word from us
It is our honor to serve the Lord by reaching those in need here on the streets of San Diego and by making Jesus known locally and internationally. When we meet individuals on the streets that are in obvious need for God, we find ourselves in the same position. We too are truly in need for Jesus. Not just in some moments but every single day. It is a joy and privilege to live as vessels for God. Truly dependent on Him. For it is by His Spirit that we get to serve Him and build His Kingdom. It is our greatest joy to serve God.
We are beyond thankful for the way God has been moving on the streets in San Diego and in Africa. When we started going to downtown San Diego to reach those experiencing homelessness, we just wanted to see lives touched by our loving Father. For them to know that they are not outcasts, they are not forgotten, and they are not too lost to be found. We are in awe of God with every life He touched, the many healings he did, and for all the lives that were pulled out of darkness and came into the light because of the power of the blood of Jesus. There is no greater message to carry than the gospel. It is the reason we are truly alive. Not just for this time here but for eternity.
The more individuals we get to reach this year, the greater the kingdom of God can spread. Every single life is worth it. For God cares for the one, and He does not want one to be lost.
To us, it is the most important to be obedient to God. True obedience is something only God can see. For he not only sees our actions but our hearts. He sees our motives. He sees our thoughts. Obedience truly is God’s love language. To hear and do His word. To hear and do what He speaks in this season. For only like that, we can truly be a vessel for God.
In this year, we are building up our own team in Africa and build a base with the great expectancy for all the Lord has prepared. This allows us to be flexible to be led by God’s spirit and yet also be well prepared for a great work in holding gospel campaigns. A lot of the preparations involve getting the equipment needed in order to make sure every individual attending can hear the gospel as well as having enough follow up material for the new believers. Our first stage consists of two parts which are raising our monthly support for the work we do on the streets of San Diego and to fund the spring gospel campaign as listed above.
We are inviting you to be a part of this vision through sowing and standing with us in prayer. As we are stepping out in faith, we would like to ask you to bring this vision before the Lord and ask Him how you can partner and enable it. Your partnership, whether through monthly giving or giving a gift today, empowers us to touch many lives for Jesus and make a lasting difference in the world. We believe that we all get to be a part of the provision to see this vision fulfilled.
We want to convey our gratitude for your commitment in reading this message and for your heart that burns with the same desire to see the broken become whole, the wounded healed, and the lost saved. Together it is possible.
Naomi & Eliel
As we are continuing to reach individuals experiencing homelessness and are expanding our vision for this year to reach more lives in Africa through Gospel Campaigns, we hope for many to stand with us. Every donation counts whether it is becoming a monthly mission partner or helping fund gospel campaigns, we all get to do this together. It would be an honor to have you play a major part in what God is doing in whatever way the Lord puts on your heart.
We can’t do it alone but together it is possible. Thank you for standing with us and making it possible!
To donate via Check:
Embrace Worldwide
12515 Woodside Avenue #511
Lakeside, CA 92040